Saturday we had a Pizza and Game night at the church for the teens. We played some crazy games which they always love, and had pizza which they always love too (Some other snacks And homemade brownies of course!) We played human foosball, A survivor game and more. Lots of fun!
Here is a video clip of human foosball...
On Sunday morning, we honored our wonderful Pastor's wife as a surprise. Just thanking her around Thanksgiving time for all she has done. There was a church-wide reception following the service with delicious Filipino food. One of my FAVORITES since moving here! I never tasted it before I moved to CA! I could eat a whole PAN FULL of sweet sticky rice! Here is Pastor and Mrs. Callaghan with her special cake...(and one of our little men from the church decided to pop in the picture!)
Here is the "Lessons for Ladies" Plan I taught to my teen girls this Sunday morning. I teach a "Little Life Lesson" each Sunday...(The words that are in all caps are the ones that they fill in on their worksheets.)
A Faithful Woman…
I Corinthians 4:2 “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.”
• If we want God to entrust us with his blessings as stewards, we must first be found FAITHFUL.
• God doesn’t name certain areas; He wants us to be faithful in ALL areas.
• God will never be able to fully use your HUSBAND someday if you as a wife are not FAITHFUL to the things of God.
• The greatest ABILITY is dependability.
• Don’t ever date a young man if he is not faithful in his SPIRITUAL life and in his WORK; no matter how great he seems.
• Your future husband and children will not care how many TALENTS you have, they will care if you are faithful to your FAMILY.
• PRACTICE being faithful now in each area of your life.
(School, church, homework, household chores, family time, etc.)
• When you marry, never even JOKE about being an unfaithful WIFE.
• Being faithful doesn’t just HAPPEN when you become an adult. You must start NOW if you want to be a faithful lady!
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