Sorry it has been a LONG time since my last post. I have had some health and chiropractic issues with my pregnancy.
Yesterday, during the evening service we had a testimony time since it was Independence Day and our church's 63rd Anniversary Sunday.
Pastor asked for the testimonies to be limited to God, Family, Church or Country. It was sweet to hear different members give a testimony of what God has done for them in these areas and just spend some time praising Him.
The sweetest blessings for Dan and I were the heartfelt testimonies of some of our teens. God has wrought such amazing works in their lives the past 6 years we have been here at Arlington Baptist Church. Many of them reached as bus kids just a few years ago are now singing in church, preaching nursing home services, running bus routes, etc. Brought many tears to my eyes.
Thank you, God, for the PRIVILEGE of being used for Your glory!! What greater joy than to serve God?!
Proverbs 28:20a "A faithful man shall abound with blessings:"
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